Industries Linked to Highest Drug Use in the Workplace
Patients in recovery have much to look forward to once they’ve adjusted to their medication-assisted treatment program and begun therapeutic substance use counseling sessions. One of the top goals many in recovery share is getting back into the workplace, helping them re-establish themselves as productive members of society while also regaining some financial independence. Having a job while in recovery can help in countless ways by boosting confidence, honing skills, keeping a regimented schedule, and staying busy, far away from boredom and overthinking.
However, many people in recovery fear lurking relapse triggers in the workplace, especially in industries that are commonly more welcoming to hiring those who are getting back on their feet. While this shouldn’t deter people in recovery from seeking out these jobs, it’s essential to be aware of which kinds of work settings could pose more challenges than others.
Accommodations and Food Service
Restaurants, cafes, hotels, and similar businesses in the hospitality industry carry the highest risk of exposure to substance use in and around the workplace. About 19.1% of workers in this industry reported past-month illicit substance use.
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Performing arts, fitness instructors, casinos, amusement parks, and anything that provides services of experience ranks second to the food industry in substance use statistics. About 13.7% of the workforce in this industry report illicit drug use within the past month.
Occupational management is an administrative position that ranges across every industry. People in these positions are in charge of a group of workers and are responsible for guiding, assisting, assigning to them while reporting to fellow managers and their superiors.12.1% of the management workforce has reported illicit drug use within the month prior.
Publishing, motion picture and sound recording, broadcasting, telecommunications, data processing, and similar vocations are all part of the information sector. The information workforce reported 11.7% having used illicit substances within the previous month.
Constructing buildings, engineering projects such as roads or utility systems for private and governmental establishments fall under construction occupations. This workforce reports that 11.6% of employees have used illicit drugs within the past month.
*Source data collected from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from 2008 through 2012) was published in 2015.
Factors that Increase Workplace Substance Use
There are elements that industries with high drug misuse among the workforce have in common which seem to be driving workers to substance use, such as:
· Long hours
· High-stress environment
· High-pressure deadlines
· Irregular work hours
· Repetitive tasks
· Fatigue
· Little opportunity for advancement
· Poor management
· Isolation or lack of social interaction
· Substances readily available at the workplace
As those in recovery work to better their lives after addiction, the state of a workplace environment can be an essential consideration when job hunting. The substance use counselors at Recovery Services of New Mexico can help patients in treatment manage their goals and plans for repairing the damage caused by addiction with goal setting, reflection, and guidance. Coupled with medication-assisted treatment overseen by specialized and compassionate medical providers and nursing staff, patients have the best chance at long-lasting recovery and fulfilling life ahead. Call or message us today to learn more about our treatment programs. .